BSJ Language Schools General Terms and Conditions

BSJ Language Schools General Terms and Conditions2020-09-09T15:48:18+02:00

BSJ Language Schools-General Terms and Conditions


Jazykové školy BSJ Language schools – Barevný svět jazyků s.r.o., Barevná škola jazyků s.r.o., Barevné studio jazyků s.r.o. (further referred to as the Language School) provides services in linguistic education. The conditions governing the contractual relationship between the Language School and the language course interested parties. The goal of Language School is to provide students with the highest quality education services.


The contract between the Language School and the student is based on filling in the application form from the website, applications filled in the language school office or confirmation of the initial mail with our terms. The student may withdraw from the course by writing in the form or by e-mail until the deadline for the correct payment of the course specified in part III of this contract. The case of resignation after payment of the course fee is regulated in point IV (Cancellation Policy).


1. The course fee can be paid by transferring from an account to an account. The course fee is paid on the basis of receipt of the call for payment of the course and information on the course and according to the tax document. Payment is also possible with benefits or cash, these options; however, need to be agreed on in advance.

2. Individual lessons are paid in advance for 10 lessons.

3. If a student happens to fall behind with the payment, the BSJ Language Schools may demand interest of 0.5% of the amount due for each delayed day.


1. The participation in a course can only be cancelled by email or by a letter.

2. Cancellation of the course within 14 days before the start of the course – no cancellation fee. Cancellation of the course within 7 days before the beginning of the course – cancellation fee: 25% of the course fee. Cancellation of the course 7 days before the start of the course – cancellation fee: 50% of the course fee. Once the course has started, cancellation is no longer possible.

3. The Language School reserves the right to cancel a group of students with less than 4 participants and offer the student the opportunity to continue with another group at the same level if that group exists or increase the cost of an existing course if all the students involved agree with it.

4. The language school reserves the right to change courses (the curriculum, the place, the classroom, the teaching material, postpone or cancel the lesson, etc.) and reserves the right to cancel the course or a part of it.

5. If the course is changed or cancelled, the student will be informed immediately.

6. In the case of a cancellation of the course or its part by Language School, the student is entitled to a refund of the part of the paid course.

7. In the case of a refund of part or all of the course, the amount will be transferred to his / her account within 14 days upon customer’s request.

8. Cancellation terms and fees apply for cases in which the Language School provided the student with the opportunity to attend a language course in accordance with the requirements stated in the application form.


1. Regarding the group lessons, the language school does not provide any financial or other compensation for the student’s absence.

2. In a justified case (e.g. absence based on a medical confirmation), the student will be offered the option of attending missed classes in another group at the same level if such a group exists.

3. In case of a planned absence for more than 6 weeks, the student is entitled to a 20% discount on the course fee. A planned absence is the absence reported to a language school before the course starts.

4. If the lessons are missed without proper excuse for individual lessons on the part of a student, no compensation is provided.

5. If the lesson is cancelled more than 24 hours before the start of the lesson, a substitute date of the lesson is arranged and the money is not

6. If lessons are cancelled by the student later than 24 hours before the lesson, the student forfeits the lesson and is not entitled to any compensation for missed lessons.

7. If the lesson is cancelled because of the language school, a substitute term is provided to the student.


The lessons always take place in an agreed-upon term. The lessons can be arranged on public holidays after the prior appointment and during the school holidays. The teaching of children who attend primary or secondary school is typically interrupted during the summer. Any changes in the timetable will be decided to take into account the interest of the majority of students in the group and the agreement with the lecturer of the course. Students will be informed about this change in advance. In the event of a change of place, the student will be notified of the change.


If a student joins a course which has been in progress for more than 4 weeks he or she is entitled to a discount on the course. The amount of the discount will be determined by the language school. The language school will allow the student to join another course that is more fitting in terms of his level (at the student’s own will or on the recommendation of the teacher) if possible. In the case of transfer to a course with a higher price, the student is obliged to pay the price difference, a proportional part of this difference with respect to the remaining number of teaching blocks in the given half-year. In the case of transfer to a course with a lower price of the course, the student is not entitled to a refund of the difference in the price of the course.


1. The Language School reserves the right to change the course tutor. The Language School also reserves the right, for serious reasons, to cancel the course in the progress. In this case, the student is entitled to return the course fee for the lessons that do not take place.

2. The Language School reserves the right to temporarily suspend the course due to force majeure such as power outage, partial or general strike, and unpredictable events that cannot be predicted. In this case, the student is not entitled to the return of the course.

3. The lecturer of the course is entitled to cancel the lesson without compensation if none of the students appears without proper excuse within 15 minutes of the start of the course.

4. If the tuition is cancelled by Language School on the grounds that the lecturer cannot be present for the sake of serious reasons, the language school will arrange adequate compensation.


1. The language school reserves the right to revoke the contract and to cancel the student’s participation in the course without compensation if the students does some damage to the property of the language school, poses a threat to other students or the teacher or is otherwise unable to behave within certain social boundaries.

2. The language school may revoke the contract if the course capacity is not reached (at least 4 students) and other courses with the same level are not open or are already fully occupied.

3. The language school is entitled to revoke the contract if the student does not pay the agreed fee until the due date

4. A client who attends 4 or more lessons per week for an indefinite period is obliged to inform the language school in writing or electronically at least 30 days in advance about the termination of the tuition. In case of the violation of this point, the Language School is entitled to claim the aliquot part of the sum.


Terms and conditions are considered agreed upon once a binding application is submitted (both electronic and paper). If a student signs-up for another course, the terms and conditions will remain valid, unless they have changed in the meantime.


1. The Language School declares that all the students’ personal data will be collected and processed only for the purposes of the service provided within the Language School, which only deals with it in accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Coll. GDPR Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council is addressed by a separate document.

2. By submitting the application, the student declares that, in accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Coll., On the protection of personal data, he agrees to process all his personal data provided in the application form which he has provided to a language school for the purpose of entering into a contractual relationship and for the marketing purposes of the Language School. This consent is granted for the duration of such a contractual relationship and for a period of 2 years after the termination of such contractual relationship.

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